© 2010 WJG Business Concepts
The Executive Leadership program offers a proven process to help you create an environment in which people will be excited about operationalizing the vision you have crystallized. It will provide you with techniques for aligning your resources and guidelines for effectively leading people to higher levels of performance. Some of the concepts are new. Some may be familiar. All of them can help you become an even better leader than you are today. They can also help you drive leadership qualities throughout your organization. The Executive Leadership program includes:
To meet today’s challenges, you must ask yourself some difficult questions: Am I the best I can be? Do I provide goal directed leadership? How can I meet the needs of my people while satisfying the needs of my team? Am I current in my understanding and use of people knowledge and techniques to help individuals excel? Am I operating with yesterday’s knowledge in today’s world? Am I an effective team leader? Can I become more effective? How? These questions and more will be answered in the “Team Leadership” process. This is more than a learning program… it is a becoming program. In this program,you will focus on your many roles as a team leader and how you can effectively “become” a better individual and a better more effective leader. The “Team Leadership” process includes the following:
Team Leadership:
As a LEADER, you need to understand why you and the people you work with may RESIST CHANGE and stay in the “Land of Status Quo.” There are four major reasons why people resist change.
The first is FEAR. Fear is internal; it’s in our head. There’s a saying that I am fond of, “Fear is the great crippler of human potential.” There’s also an acronym that uses the letters F, E, A, and R that defines what fear is. The acronym stands for “False Emotions Appearing Real.”
The second reason people resist change is because of EGO. The need to be right is a powerful human need. It’s a common problem with leaders, managers, and business owners.
The third reason why people resist change is to avoid CONFLICT. Because when you try to leave all the people back in the “Land of Status Quo,” you’ll create and get some conflict. It’s not fun, so many people just avoid it all together.
The fourth reason that people resist change is LACK OF PURPOSE. Without a sense of purpose, people become stagnant and complacent. People get burnt out.
As a LEADER of yourself and others, you have to overcome your own fear and help others overcome theirs by helping them change their mental attitudes that hold them back. You also have to make sure that your EGO doesn’t get in the way. By being open to new and different ways to view things, as well as being open to the feedback and insights of others, you create an atmosphere where change is not an “I’m right and your wrong” mentality. Of course, conflict is best handled through proper communication. It sounds simple on the surface, but we all know that it’s not. Finally, you have to develop a sense of purpose, for yourself, and your team. What’s your vision? Is it something that everyone understands and has a stake in?
Please follow this link for more information.
As a LEADER, you can’t inspire others to make that journey until you show them how it’s done.
How do you get through all the fear, doubt, noise, and obstacles to get to the “Land of Positive Change/Rewards?” Your dreams, your goals, and your vision have to be strong enough and deep enough to get you through it. You really have to demonstrate the characteristics of a leader, don’t you?
20 Signs leadership may be failing in your company!
If any of these conditions exist in your company, this does not mean that you are an ineffective leader. It simply means that your company has leadership problems.